Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Appointment Date!!!!!

This morning we received the BEST email! Our SDA appointment date is April 13th, which is exactly 2 weeks from today!!! So we will be leaving for our kids country in about a week and a half. I was shaking as I read the email and I'm still trying to process it all. There is SO much to do! I will do my best to get everyones invites out tonight, so look for them tomorrow or Thursday by the latest. So many lists...so little time! We are trusting God to help us!!!


  1. is it too late to ask for an invite? i have loved following your journey



  2. Thanks so much for letting me be part of your journey!

  3. Thanks so much for the invite. Sorry, I think I missed it earlier. I know it is totally CRAZY getting ready to go but oh so exciting.



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