Today has been a very exciting day for our family!!! There is a little boy in the girl's orphanage who stole our hearts away from the moment we laid eyes on him. We have been doing some serious praying about the matter because let's face it, adopting two children is HUGE, and adopting three children is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE!
But this has been laid on our hearts since we chose the girls and we've been mulling over the details. At first, we said "We can't. We want to, but it's just too much." There have been quite a few nights of laying in bed for hours, telling God how it was "just too much" and "how in the world?" But arguing with God always leaves me with an acute knowledge of just how self-centered and small minded I am. God began to change our hearts, our minds, and more importantly our PERSPECTIVE.
Is it going to be easy? NO. But maybe, just maybe, it's not supposed to be. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure He has promised us it won't be. Is it going to be worth it? ABSOLUTELY! Would we regret this? The ONLY thing we would regret is leaving this precious little boy behind. And that is something neither of us can live with. I can't imagine how our hearts would break if we ever learned this precious little boy had been sent to an institution (I recently heard that most children die after a year of being institutionalized.) Maybe another family would step up, but maybe we ARE that family. So, here he is...the little guy who stole away our hearts.
CONGRATS!! Renee and Derek Loux also brought home 3! Reminds me so much of them! God is leading you ALL THE WAY SISTER! YIPPEE SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a big announcement on my blog too :)
ReplyDeleteHe is so incredibly adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteHi, I just wanted to let you I've been praying for you! We brought home our Isaac 3 months ago from these little one's orphanage. I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting all 3 of your beauties and I have to say that Sergy found a very special place in my heart as well. He's the one I got to spend the most time with & I was dying to bring him home! He has such a great personality~so tender,very loving & sweet. I want you also to know that these 3 pictures don't do any one of these beauties justice! They are all just beyond beautiful for sure :)I remember "Sweetie" being just that...a sweetie with the most brillant blue eyes! And Angel's character was so gentle and peacful. Since being home with our Isaac these 3 little one's have weighed on our hearts in a very real and heavy way. With our second adoption being somewhat in limbo we've wondered & prayed if we should go back to Ukrain for them if our son in the Republic of Georgia isn't ment to come home to us. I've been praying in a mighty way for thier families or family to find them...You can't imagine the tears of joy I shed in reading your blog! :)!
ReplyDeleteI have a post that I started sooo long ago..I ended up never posting it, but since finding your blog I'll be finishing it up to post it. It's about being in Ukrain and being with our son in his home before being Home, & about the little ones left behind :(. I can't express in words how much he's loved. God is so good :) I'll keep on praying for you all and Lord's willing follow you on your path to 3 awesome additions to your family! YAYYYYY!!!