little Miss Gianna (as opposed to my 2 Eastern European beauties.) She is getting so big! and is soooo much fun!!! I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this age. We do, of course, have our moments, and some days NO! is our favorite word, but I love her spunkiness! No one can throw down and flop around like my daughter! She has such a STRONG personality, but the sweetest little spirit. And she is VERY compassionate (she saw a little boy crying the other day while we were out and she was still talking about him that night, poor thing...boy crying, boy crying, she kept repeating!) She is also usually very concerned with Thomas (yes, Thomas the train - he is one of her favorites) and I'm not sure why. She just worries about him...along with ALL of her Sesame Street friends. Most days, we can be found dragging Ernie, Bert, Bird (this is what she calls Big Bird), at least one Elmo and Cookie around town. Now, thanks to Auntie Jenn we can add Oscar to the mix! She is also in LOVE with Frossy (Frosty the Snowman) and can you believe we sing the song EVERY night before bed as a family?? She, of course, sings the loudest and just loves the end "Thummmpy Thummmmpy Snoooooowwwwww!!" I think she will be dragging her stuffed Frossy around well into the summer months and probably making us sing the song too. Yes, I just said "making us". I admit my almost two year old knows how to "make" us do stuff. The big blue eyes and pouty face get at least daddy every time! I wonder what will happen when there are FOUR pouty faces and big eyes! Poor daddy! LOL I can NOT wait!!
Ohhhh Sesame Street. I recently got reintroduced to the wonders of Sesame Street because of the little girl I babysit for. I love me some Elmo!